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I am Kristina Karanović, a psychologist (with a bachelor’s and master’s degree in psychotherapy) and REBT&CBT psychotherapist, practitioner of PE - prolonged exposure psychotherapy for the treatment of PTSD. A member of IAREBT and EFPA.
The problems that I focus on when working with clients are self-confidence, anxiety, panic attacks, fears, sensitivity, anger, procrastination, diversity, professional orientation as well as many others. We always begin with what bothers the client most at that moment. Clients have the right to data privacy and consequently everything we deal with remains strictly between us.
BA (Psychology) | FLV | Faculty for Legal and Business Studies | Novi Sad, Serbia,
MA Psychology (Psychotherapy) | FLV | Faculty for Legal and Business Studies | Novi Sad, Serbia
Deep existential fears and stoicism – training – by Vladan Beara |Psiholuminis Prijedor| 2021
ACT 101 | DPS |2021
ATOS method by Milenko Vlajkov |2021
Analysis of individual potentials | Milenko Vlajkov|2022
Cognitive marathon by Milenko Vlajkov |2020-2022
Hypnosis and Hypnotherapy | Milenko Vlajkov| 2022
RE&CBT Psychotherapy - Psychotherapy and Counselling training 202 | 2022
RE&CBT Psychotherapy - Psychotherapy and Counselling training 201 | 2021
RE&CBT Psychotherapy - Psychotherapy and Counselling training 101 | 2020
Transactional Analysis (TA) Psychotherapy and Counselling training 101 | 2019
Certificate in Gender Studies |School of Gender Studies | University of Novi Sad | Gender Studies and Research | Swedish Institute | 2020
Certificate in Romani Studies |School of Romology | 4 modules: language, literature, history and culture | University of Novi Sad |Gender Studies and Research | 2016 Successfully completed training in PE - Prolonged Exposure Therapy for the treatment of PTSD, organized by the Center for the Treatment and Study of Anxiety, University of Pennsylvania and the Serbian Society of Psychologists.
She has extensive experience in treating fear, anxiety, phobias, specific phobias, panic attacks, obsessive thoughts, fear of death, fear of madness, etc.
Client reviews
Pomogla mi je da resim napade panike, sa kojima sam se dugo borila, a prethodni pokušaji kod drugih terapeuta nisu davali rezultate. Kad god osetim da mi je potrebna pomoć, znam kome mogu da se javim. 10/10
odlican terapeut, sve ti objasni tako da razumes, jednostavnim jezikom , za narod… da svako moze da razume
Nema boljeg terapeuta za KBT tretman panike i opsesivnih misli. Puna razumevanja, empatije i iskrene želje da pomogne klijentu. Toplo je preporučujem. Kristina je zaista izuzetna u oblasti efikasne REBT terapije.
Iskrena preporuka za tretman panike i strahova!
Kristina je terapeut koji svakako moze da izvuce ono najbolje od vas na svetlost dana. Rad na samopouzdanju i prevazilazenju sopstvenih strahova je nesto za sta je zelim od srca preporuciti ?