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B.Sc. Psychologist and certified Gestalt psychotherapist, MBA (Master of Business Administration)
Jovana Music has been practicing psychotherapist since 2005. Her first work experience after graduating from University of Sarajevo, Department of Psychology was at KJS "Family Counseling Center" Sarajevo, where she had the opportunity to work as psychotherapist using Gestalt approach through individual, family and couples therapy, as well as group therapy with adolescents and young people on the topic of premarital counseling. After that she continued pursuing more business-related opportunities but stayed engaged with psychotherapy through private practice, conducting therapy in person and online through Psylancer platform.
Jovana also has 12+ years of experience working in the field of Human Resources Management and Operational Management, on the positions of Human Resources Director and Operational Manager. She is a certified "trainer for trainers" by the Society for Research and Development of Human Resources "Razbor" from Zagreb. This experience allowed her to start dealing with a specific form of counseling, which is professional help in job searching and generally developing a professional career and education (Job Coaching). Through job coaching, Jovana is providing support in defining the client's interests, recognising it’s strengths that client can offer in their professional environment, as well as the areas in which he/she should improve. Job coaching is structured and, unlike psychological counseling, has an educational element and is aimed at achieving predetermined goals (e.g. deciding what I want to do after finishing school, what profession I want to pursue, writing a good biography, practicing self-presentation, interview, etc.) . Here we focus on business dilemmas and goals.
It is possible to combine elements of psychological counseling and coaching, but only to the extent that the client wants it.
Gestalt therapy is a form of psychotherapy that focuses on a person's present life rather than delving into their past experiences. This form of therapy stresses the importance of understanding the context of a person’s life when considering the challenges they face. It also involves taking responsibility rather than placing blame.
In this psychotherapy direction, the relationship between psychotherapist and client is based on authenticity, reciprocity and confirmation. Through dialogue and the application of various creative techniques, the client and the therapist together explore new possibilities and ways of acting that will help increase satisfaction in their own lives.
Psychological problems I am oriented to are: Emotional problems, emotional instability, overcoming difficult life problems and situations, family conflicts, depression, anxiety, marital or partner conflicts, marital or partner crises, divorce, breakups, lack of self-confidence, phobias, adolescent crises, learning problems, various life dilemmas and turning points, OCD obsessive/compulsive disorder, sexual problems and doubts and job couching.
Also, I am open to psychotherapy in English.
Client reviews
Posle duže potrage za psihoterapeutom, oduševljena sam Jovanom, njenim pristupom, profesionalnošću i napretkom koji smo ostvarile. Jovana je stvorila prijatnu atmosferu, koja mi je omogućila da otvoreno razgovaram, preispitujem svoje probleme, i uz Jovaninu pomoć dolazim do rešenja. Prezadovoljna sam napretkom koji smo postigle, i preporučila bih Jovanu svima koji tragaju za psihoteraputom.
Jovana je odličan terapeut, topla, otvorena,komunikativna, fleksibilna i puna razumijevanja. Pomogla mi je shvatiti moje probleme i proći kroz najteže razdoblje života. Uživam u razgovoru s njom i nakon svakog razgovora se osjećam odlično i spreman sam suočiti se sa svakodnevnim izazovima. Pažljivo sluša, postavlja konkretna pitanja i daje savjete koji pomažu suočiti se i nadvladati svaki problem. Toplo preporučujem razgovor s Jovanom bilo da se radi o nekom velikom ili malom problemu ili ako samo trebate nekog da vas posluša.
Jovana je super! 🙂 Ima odličnu energiju zbog koje se osjećam sigurno i ugodno. Odlično sluša, radi jako korisne i poticajne refleksije i postavlja jako fokusirana pitanja koja mi pomažu da bolje razumijem sebe, lakše posložim svoje prioritete i definiram ciljeve. Pomogla mi je da lakše prođem kroz najstresnije razdoblje u životu. Vidim značajnu promjenu u načinu kako reagiram i doživljavam određene životne situacije, čak i moja okolina primjećuje pozitivne promjene.
Jovana je odlican terapeut i sagovornik. Od samog pocetka sam se osecala prijatno i motivisano da kvalitetno radim na sebi. Naisla sam na osobu koja pazljivo slusa, obraca paznju na detalje i koja se bavi velikim spektrom razlicitih poteskoca i problema. Toplo preporucujem.
Jovana je izvrstan sagovornik, i osoba sa kojom se od samog početka osjećate sigurno. Za kratko vrijeme mi je pomogla da stvari sagledam iz drugačijeg ugla, i da postavim prioritete na pravo mjesto. Na svakoj seansi sam imala osjećaj da me zaista sluša i da želi da razumije moje potrebe, što je meni bilo od izuzetnog značaja. Hvala Jovana!
Rad sa Jovanom je jako prijatan i produktivan! Jako sam zadovoljna svojim napretkom i nasim odnosom za vrijeme terapije. Jovana je jako posvecena, sto meni kao klijentu daje osjecaj sigurnosti. Zahvaljujem joj se i ovim putem i radujem se svakoj sljedecoj seansi! Tople preporuke svima koji su u potrazi za posvecenim i kompetentnim psihoterapeutom!
Jovana je fantastican psihoterapeut i dosta mi pomaze da prodjem kroz kompleksne i stresne zivotne situacije na sto bezbolniji i jednostavniji nacin. Osim toga, vrlo je kompetentna i na poljima izvan domena psihoterapije, u domenu business development-a, sto je cini izuzetno strucnim terapeutom i za pitanja karijere i licnog razvoja klijenata. Jako sam zadovoljna saradnjom sa Jovanom.
Jovana je jako prijatna i puno mi je pomogla u procesu oporavljanja od “burnout-a” I par životnih situacija. Dopalo mi se da oseća kada je klijent ok, pa ne predlaže nove seanse ako stvarno nije potrebno.
Jovana is a great psychotherapist. She is a strong communicator that listens and understands the situation. She validates thoughts, emotions and actions. She planned each season carefully, and she was also open for adjustments along those sessions. She was gradually leading us through the process of obtaining all the information from other sources and further changing the behavior within the estimated time for achieving the goal. The results are still standing.
Jovana je fantastican psiholog, zaista vas “slusa i cuje” i jako puno mi je pomogla da resim jako puno stvari koje su me sputavale da krenem ka napred. Preporucila mi je drugarica i ja je sada svim svojim prijateljima !!!!