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I had a negative experience with that psychotherapist from Psylancer Serbia and I won’t recommend him at all.
In short, when you were a victim of psychological violence and you ask for the help of a psychotherapist for a reason and payed for it you want to have some kind of support. Even though you clearly explained and argumented what happend before in your life, you were disappointed because your psychotherapist labeled you “Paranoid” and unconsciously pushes you even deeper and shows disrespect for opening up to him. He thus indirectly supports bullies, and I don’t think that is the point of paying the consultation here. I am very disappointed because I have wasted my time and money.
Igor je fantastican i jako prijatan psihoterapeut! Krenula sam da radim sa njim kada sam prolazila kroz jako tezak period i nasi razgovori su mi puno pomogli. Osecam da mu je stalo do toga da pomogne svom klijentu i da se zaista trudi da razume ono kroz sta prolazim. Nakon svakog razgovora imam puno toga o cemu mogu da razmisljam i to mi dosta pomaze u tome da sama razumem i resim svoje probleme. Pomaze mi da sagledam stvari iz druge perspektive i da budem malo blaza prema samoj sebi. Jako sam mu zahvalna sto mi je bio podrska kada sam osecala da sam sama, kada nisam razumela osecanja i strahove koje imam i kada mi se sve cinilo beznadeznim. Hvala!!